The present paper contributes to the previous literature on subtitling swear words by investigating the strategies of subtitling English swear words into Arabic in a large parallel corpus of movies, which consists of forty movies. The study of the subtitling of swear words using a large corpus of movies will likely contribute to the previous literature that investigated a relatively small amount of data. Given the fact that MSA is the Arabic variety that appears on the screen in subtitling, the researchers argue that the degree of offensiveness of swearing will not be maintained in the source text. The investigation of the different Arabic renderings of English swear words may help translators and translation students acquaint themselves with the MSA options that can be used to render swear words using different translation strategies.
The English and Arabic data were copy-pasted to an excel sheet. Each movie is saved in a separate sheet with two columns; the first column contains the English source text, while the second column contains the Arabic subtitles. This step was followed by segmenting and aligning the data. Data segmentation refers to dividing the subtitles into short segments: words, phrases, clauses, and sentences, while data alignment refers to putting the segment in the source text with its equivalent in the target text.
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Table 8 shows that the softening strategy was most observed in sci-fi movies (21%) and least used in action movies (11%). Table 8 indicates the number and percentage of using the swear-to-non-swear strategy in the investigated four movie genres. The data shows that the number of swear words rendered using the swear-to-non-swear strategy was most used in the drama genre with 131 hits, followed by the sci-fi genre with 45 hits, biography (26 hits), and finally action (25 hits). Some examples of this strategy are shown in Table 9.
This study uses a parallel corpus of English-Arabic movie subtitles and recommends more corpus-assisted studies on different AVT modes, including dubbing, voiceover, and free commentaries. Furthermore, the researchers recommend more AVT research on swear words in different languages, as they represent a controversial issue, especially when translating for conservative cultures. This study investigated a large chunk of data quantitatively; other studies may attempt to identify fansubbing norms in a limited number of movies as this may allow them to examine them in detail. This study was limited to translation strategies; other studies may examine the denotative and connotative functions of swear words and the typology of swearing.
When watching movies with subtitle. FshareTV provides a feature to display and translate words in the subtitle You can activate this feature by clicking on the icon located in the video player