Installation:-------------Requirements 1. A fresh SSB64 rom. I used one with the filename "Super Smash Bros. (USA).n64". Where you find the rom is up to you! 2. The "ssb_sonicmod_by_ownsoldier.xdelta" patch located in this .zip file 3. Latest version of the Goldeneye Setup Editor, download from
Super Sonic 64 Rom
Steps 1. Open the goldeneye setup editor, my version executable is PerfectGold.exe 2. Go to the menu: Tools>Switch Editor Game>Super Smash Bros. (might not need to do this, I would just in case) 3. Go to the menu: Tools>XDelta Patching>Apply Super Smash Bros. .xdelta Patch 4. When the dialog opens up, first select your fresh SSB64 rom and Open 5. Second, select the "ssb_sonicmod_by_ownsoldier.xdelta" and Open 6. Third, rename the output rom to "SSB_SONIC.v64" (or whatever your want)
In July 1983, Nintendo released their Famicom (Family Computer) system in Japan, which was their first attempt at a cartridge-based video game console. The system was a booming success, selling over 500,000 units within two months. The console was also technically superior and inexpensive when compared to its competitors, priced at about $100 USD. However, after a few months of the consoles selling well, Nintendo received complaints that some Famicom consoles would freeze when the player attempted to play certain games. The fault was found in a malfunctioning chip and Nintendo decided to recall all Famicon units currently on store shelves, which cost them almost half a million USD. 2ff7e9595c